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What is the Best Home Inspection Training?

by Nov 7, 2021Your Career0 comments

There are several schools to choose from in the United States, but very few offer a full training solution.  When researching, you’ll likely find most websites are full of helpful information about how to become a home inspector, but lacking the critical answers like, “When,” and, “How much?”  That’s because they KNOW you have choices, and want you to call them for those answers.   How to know if a training company is right for you: 
  1. Are they approved in your state?  Virtually, every state that requires licensing must approve a training company’s curriculum before offering their courses.  Be sure to verify this with your state’s licensing authority. 
  1. What is the experience of the instructor(s), and is it possible to speak directly to them?  Ever had that one teacher or professor  where the two of you just weren’t a good match?  Paring up with an instructor that doesn’t teach to your learning style could be disastrous and when spending $2,000-3,000, to sit in their classroom, you want to make sure they’re a good match for you.  
  1. Do they take valuable class time to give you a sales pitch on their products and materials?  While you need to know what tools and software you’ll need to start your business, there are better ways to get the message out than a sales pitch from an instructor receiving a commission on what you buy. 
  1. Do they have a sample of their training you can view?  Companies that consider a promotional video a ‘sample’ of their training may be compensating for poor quality materials, technology, or presentation skills.  
  1. Do they teach the marketing side of the business?  All the technical and communication skills and a pat on the back saying, “Go get ‘em, Tiger!” aren’t enough to help you launch a successful business and rake in customers.  Ask the training company if every instructor teaches the marketing in every class 
HI-TEC thinks like a school AND a business.  That means foundational education and innovative offerings. We’re here because we’ve worked for the biggest schools in the country.  We know what the students want, what they need to be successful, and how to best provide everyone with the knowledge and skills required to make home inspections a lifelong career. We don’t make sales pitches in class, and we teach YOU how to do the marketing for YOUR business in every class.  We help  you to get licensed, get marketing, and get started  earning an income right away.  Give us a call at 877.51.HI.TEC and let one of our admissions experts help you get the answers you need!

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